Application Brochures ENDEFRITESPLRU简繁한 Application brochure - Abrasive media x 2501 Application brochure - Air separation xxxxx 2436 Application brochure - Biogas xxxx 2501 Application brochure - Corrosive media x 2501 Application brochure - Fertilisers x 2501 Application brochure - Food and Beverage x 2501 Application brochure - Green hydrogen production 2348 Application brochure - Li-ion battery production x 2501 Application brochure - Metal and Surface treatment xxxx 2501 Application brochure - Mining industry xxxxx 2501 Application brochure - Oil and gas xxx 2449 Application brochure - Pharmaceutical industry x 2348 Application brochure - Power Generation xxx 2501 Application brochure - Pulp & paper xxxx 2501 Application brochure - Scrubber and ballast system xxx 2501 Application brochure - Sea water desalination x 2501 Application brochure - Semiconductor industry xxxx 2019 Application brochure - Steel industry 2501 Application brochure - Sugar industry x 2501 Application brochure - Sulfuric acid plants x 2349 Application brochure - Temperatures xx 2501 Product Overviews ENDEFRITESPLRU简繁한 Product overview - China 2024 xxxxxxx 2424 Product Flyers ENDEFRITESPLRU简繁한 Butterfly Valves BIANCA - Monitoring System - Flyer xxxx 1735 BIANCA - Particle and TOC tests, SEMI F104 xxxx 2035 BIANCA - ULTRAFLON liner - Flyer xxxx 1707 BIANCA - Flyer x 2501 DESPONIA and DESPONIA plus - liners for biogas xx 2501 DESPONIA - Blue liner - Flyer xxxx 2501 DESPONIA and DESPONIA plus - Flucast® FT liner 2250 DESPONIA - Flyer x 2501 DESPONIA and DESPONIA plus - EN 161 (DVGW) x 2418 Desponia® and Desponia® plus - Flucast® liners 2501 Desponia® and Desponia® plus - PEKK coated discs x 2130 Desponia® and Desponia® plus - Ultralene Coating™ x 2130 DESPONIA® range - EPDM for extreme temperatures xxx 2039 DESPONIA® - Liners food and beverage applications 2501 ELARA- Flyer xx 2345 DESPONIA and DESPONIA plus - Flucast FX liner xx 2005 Valves for use in potentially explosive atmosphere xxxxx 2148 InterApp Academy xxxxxxxxx 2437 InterApp Butterfly Valves - Big sample case xxxx 2302 InterApp Butterfly Valves - Body coatings xxxx 2339 InterApp Butterfly Valve - Expertise in clean room x 2205 InterApp Butterfly Valves - Cleaning standards x 2408 InterApp Butterfly Valves - Valve Finder xxxxxxx 2501 InterApp Butterfly Valves - Materials xxx 2501 Case Studies ENDEFRITESPLRU简繁한 Chemical Process - Bidachem, Italy xxxxx 1147 Chemical Process, Worldwide xxxx 2106 Desalination - Atacama, Chile xxxxx 1932 Desalination - Batinah, Oman xxxxx 1840 Water Treatment - Baustoffpark, Switzerland xxxxx 1844 Green hydrogen production – Germany xxx 2234 HVAC - Heat & Power Plant, Switzerland xxxxx HVAC - Super Computer Center, Switzerland xxxxx 1430 Life Science - Bachem, Switzerland xxxxx 1147 Life Science - Südzucker, Germany xxxxx 2417 Mining - worldwide xxxxxx 1940 Oil & Gas - Comart, Italy xxxxxx 1147 Power Generation - worldwide xxxx 2501 Exhaust gas cleaining system - Ecospray , Italy xxxx 2017 Semiconductor industry - Global foundries xxx 2305 Wastewater - Wastewater Plant, Switzerland xxxxx 1440 Water Treatment - Achères, France xxxxx 1147 Semiconductor industry - Ovivo, worldwide xxxxx 1823 Videos ENDEFRITESPLRU简繁한 InterApp company video xxxxxx 2227 Butterfly Valves Bianca – PTFE lined centric butterfly valve xxxxxxxx 1912 Desponia® and Desponia® plus - Elastomer lined BFV xxxxxxxx 1837 Install a lug butterfly valve between flanges x 2318 Install a wafer butterfly valve between flanges x 2318 How to repair the big sizes butterfly valves 2345 How to replace disc and liner of Bianca valve xxxxxxx 2223 How to replace liner of Desponia® valve xxxxxxx 2136 Virtual tour of the InterApp demo case Bianca xxx 2236 Virtual tour of the InterApp demo case Desponia® xxx 2240 Actuators How to adjust a Bernard Controls AQ range xxx 2417 How to adjust a Valpes ER xxxxx 2426 How to adjust the operating angle on the IA motion xxxxx 2246 How to change an IA motion position on a valve xxx 2318 How to change butterfly valve: NC to NO xxxxx 2503 How to install a gearbox on a valve xxxx 2428 How to install a handlever on a valve xxxx 2428 How to install an IA motion on a valve xxx 2318 Recommendations regarding air supply on IA motion xxxxx 2246 Position indicators How to install a limit switch box on a gearbox xxxxx 2438 How to install a limit switch box on a handlever xxxxx 2438 How to mount a plastic limit switch box xx 2401 How to mount an aluminum limit switch box xx 2404 Product Datasheets ENDEFRITESPLRU简繁한 Butterfly Valves BIANCA - centric, PTFE-lined 2418 DESPONIA® - centric, rubber lined, industry x 2448 DESPONIA® PLUS - centric, rubber lined, industry 2448 ELARA - double eccentric 2443 Ball Valves BVA23 - 2-way, stainless steel, ISO top flange xxxxx 2232 BVC21 - 2-way, stainless steel, ISO top flange xxxx 2326 BVE22/BVA22/BVE23 - 2-way, stainless steel xxxxx 1709 BVO22 - 2-way, stainless steel, industrial xxxxx 2232 TLBVA23 - 2-way, PFA, ISO top flange xxx 2211 TLBVA23A - 2-way, PFA (ANSI) xxx 2228 Knife Gate Valves MU - uni-directional xxxxxxxxx MUA - uni-directional xxxxxxxxx PR - bi-directional xxxxxxxxx PT - bi-directional xxxxxxxxx SCC - bi-directional xxxxxxxxx SCW - uni-directional xxxxxxxxx SK - bi-directional xxxxxxxxx XD - bi-directional xxxxxxxxx XD-HP - bi-directional xxxxxxxxx Check Valves FPCV - flanged poppet check valve, PFA xxxxxx 2441 NEPTUNIA-C - duo check valve, metall xxxxx 2142 NEPTUNIA-D - DUOcheck valve, metall xxxxx 2028 NEPTUNIA-DR - Duo check valve, metall xxxxx 2029 NEPTUNIA-V - duo check valve, metall xxxxx 2224 RHEA-C - swing check valve, metal xxxx 2429 STCV - swing check valve, PFA xxxxx 2441 TLBCV - ball check valve, PFA xxxxx 2220 Actuators AUMA - industrial actuators xxxxxx ER - electric actuator xxxxx 2444 GBN - gearbox, cast iron xxxxx 2345 GB232 - gearbox, aluminium xxx 2345 GBAB - gearbox, body aluminium xxxxxxx 2144 HLA - handlever, aluminium x 2410 HLA+ ES2.PE - handlever, aluminium, limit switch b xxx 2410 HW - handwheel xxxxx 1809 IA motion - pneumatic actuator xx 2049 Mounting parts for actuators assembly xxx 2223 PAB - Pnemautic actuator xxxxxxx 2129 Valpes - electric actuator, industry xxxxxxxx 2410 Solenoid Valves MNH 520 - Solenoid valve xxxxxxxxx VSNC - solenoid valve xxxxx 2017 VSNC - solenoids xxxxxxx 2018 Position indicators ES - limit switch box, open xxxxx 2106 ES2.A.B.F.S - limit switch box, metal xxxxx 1808 ES2.K - limit switch box, metal, ATEX xxxxx 1704 ES2.PE - limit switch box, plastic x 2245 SRBC - limit switch box, metal xxxxx 2322 Positioners CMSX - positioner, digital xxxxx 1820 ND7000- positioner, digital xxxxxxxxx 2306 NE700 - positioner, analog xxxxxxxxx 2306 SIPART PS100 - positioner, digital xxxxxxxx 2306 SIPART PS2 - positioner, digital xxxxxxxx 2306 Manuals ENDEFRITESPLRU简繁한 Butterfly Valves Butterfly valves - Big sizes installation xxxx 2313 Plastic piping system - installation xxx 2414 BIANCA - Installation/Maintenance xx 2404 DESPONIA®/PLUS - Installation/Maintenance xxx 2444 DESPONIA®/PLUS EN 161- Installation/Maintenance xxxxxxxxx 2413 ELARA - Installation/Maintenance xxxxxxxxx 2342 Ball Valves Ball valves PFA - Installation/Maintenance xxxxxx 2434 Ball valves - Installation/Maintenance xxxxx 1928 Knife Gate Valves EK - Installation/Maintenance xxxxxx 2301 Actuators AUMA Actuator controls - Installation/Maintenance xxxxxxx GB - Installation xxxxx 2236 HL - Installation x 2410 IA MOTION - Installation/Maintenance xxxx 1812 VR/VS Valpes - Installation/Maintenance xxxxxx 2249 Certificates ENDEFRITESPLRU简繁한 Butterfly Valves AQUARIA, DESPONIA & 820 - PED2014/68/EU - Cert. H xxxxxxxx 2420 BIANCA - Special Equipment Type Test CSEI xxxxxxx 2830 BIANCA -TÜV Certificate TA-Luft xxxxxxxx 2604 DESPONIA & DESPONIA plus - Bureau Veritas xxxxxxxxx 2444 DESPONIA & DESPONIA plus - DVGW Cert. EN 161 xxxxxxxx 3012 DESPONIA & DESPONIA plus - DVGW Certificate Water xxxxxxxx 2631 DESPONIA & DESPONIA plus - UKCA Certificate xxxxxxxxx 2505 DESPONIA - ACS Certificate xxxxxxxx 2508 DESPONIA - Det Norske Veritas Certificate xxxxxxxxx 2450 DESPONIA - RINA Certificate xxxxxxxxx 2538 DESPONIA - Special Equipment Type Test CSEI xxxxxxx 2824 DESPONIA - SVGW Certificate xxxxxxxx 2631 DESPONIA & DESPONIA plus -TÜV Certificate TA-Luft xxxxxxxx 2604 Desponia® and Desponia® plus - Lloyd´s Register xxxxxxxxx 2540 Ball Valves BVO(VL-840) - TÜV Certificate TA-Luft xxxxxxxxx *** Actuators IAmotion - ATEX Certificate xxxxxx **** Declarations of conformity ENDEFRITESPLRU简繁한 Butterfly Valves AQUARIA, DESPONIA & 820 - PED Cat. II+III, AD-2000 xxxxxxxx 2420 BIANCA - Decl. of conformity PED xxxxxxxx 2536 BIANCA - Manufacturer Declaration REACH xxxxxxxxx BIANCA - Manufacturer Declaration SIL xxxxxxxxx BIANCA - Manufacturer Declaration ATEX xxxxxxxxx DESPONIA & DESPONIA plus - Manufacturer Decl. ATEX xxxxxxxxx DESPONIA & DESPONIA plus - Manufacturer Decl. SIL xxxxxxxxx DESPONIA & DESPONIA plus-Manufacturer Decl. REACH xxxxxxxxx 2224