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InterApp delivers quality products on time. Every time.

Our customers must be able to rely on our products. Durable and resistant materials and impeccable functionality are essential qualities. However, quality is not only limited to our products. It is reflected in everything we do, from the initial specifications, through development, product qualification, manufacturing and customer service.

Quality Improvements Processes are continuously.

InterApp products
InterApp products are manufactured in our own premises to the highest standards and comply with international rules and regulations.

InterApproved products
In order to be a certified supplier of third party products, InterApp has agreed to a number of standards that suppliers need to comply with. It is our aim to assure that we work with responsible partners who apply the same standards as we do. InterApproved products are homologated following severe qualification processes to ensure InterApp Quality Standards.

InterApp and InterApproved products stand for:
- Certified quality and ISO certification
- Minimum 24-month international warranty
- Compliance with international environmental standards
- Fulfilment of internationally recognised social standards


InterApp Valcom´s management, in order to guarantee our customers satisfaction and our products quality, has established its Quality Policy.

This policy is the guide in a continuous improvement system and it is based in the following objectives or commitments:

  1. Achieve full customer satisfaction from the beginning of the relationship.
  2. Comply with all legal requirements, that are applicable to us because of the activity, in the scope of our processes performance. InterApp Valcom performance, in no case, can contravene the requirements and specifications established within the legal scope.
  3. To carry our work in a management environment that guarantees the continuous improvement inside our processes, our method of action and in our relationships with such stakeholders, through establishment and periodic review of our quality objectives.
  4. To communicate the customer, as soon as possible, the incidents that may occur in order to minimizing the impact they can incur.
  5. To promote an understanding and circulation of our Quality Policy, inside our organization through our employees continued training.
  6. Technology innovation improvement in our facilities in a continuous improvement environment.
  7. To certify the Quality System, according new UNE-EN- ISO 9001: 2015

In order to achieve these goals, InterApp Valcom´s management promotes and encourages the execution of the following initiative:

  • To set, in all areas that require, achievable and measurable targets which will be followed periodically
  • Quality System maintenance, through internal audits and regular controls.
  • Non-conformances determination regarding customers’ requirements or prescribed by regulation.
  • Staff training and motivation in order to integrate them and they can contribute to the Quality Assurance System.


InterApp and InterApproved products are manfucatured to the highest standards and comply with international rules and regulations

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